Thursday, July 11, 2019

Stay OFF the Scale...Umm...No!

You all know about this journey of mine to get healthy.  I won't bore you with those details again.  But since I've maintained for over a year now, I thought maybe I would try and lose a few more pounds just to fit more comfortably into the latest size clothes I'm in.  Some were a little tight yet, so I thought this was a good idea.

So I've been at this "trying to lose a few more pounds" thing for a while now.  And I have lost 1 lb.
Talk about frustration!  And I've been told multiple times by several different people "Stay off the scale"!  Well, I can't do that!  I really, really can't!  Yes, I know muscle weighs more than fat.  Yes, I know since I have been gaining muscle, the scale hasn't budged.  I really do know all of this!

But, this week, several things have happened that has made me realize that even though the scale is not cooperating, my workouts are!  I now fit very comfortably in those smaller size pants, today I'm wearing a shirt that was way too tight six months ago, and when getting dressed this morning at the gym, my belt was so loose in the last notch that I had to come to work and drill a hole in it so it would stay on.  Hmmmm...something is working!  Could it be that healthy eating?  Could it be the personal training sessions?  Maybe those Barre classes?  How about a combination of all of those?  It's funny how you don't see it and don't see it, and then one day, you see it all in one day!

I work very hard at this.  I do 2-3 Barre classes a week, personal training once a week (this week is my last one though. 😔), run whenever I get the chance and it's not 85% humidity, and do 60-75 minute workouts at the gym 2-3 mornings a week.  I eat healthy.  Yes, I cheat.  I eat pizza and dessert every Friday night.  I also eat two Double Stuff Oreos every single Friday night.  (Sometimes it's those little things in life!)  My Mom always has them in her cookie jar, and I just can't resist, so I limit myself to two.  I sometimes eat things I shouldn't on weekends when we are out.  But you know what?  It's not killing me!  And I work hard and eat well all of the rest of the time, so there's that.

I have a confession to make.  I have been on the scale for the past 3 days.  Tuesday I was brave and thought I better get on it.  I mean, I ate on the 4th of July!  And on the 5th, and on the 6th, and on the 7th.  We had a busy weekend!  And I enjoyed it all!  But, it was time to see how much damage I had done.  So with much trepidation, I stepped on that scale.  It went DOWN!  What?  So every day since, I have watched it go down a little more.  Tomorrow is my self prescribed weigh in day.  So I'm hoping it is good. 

So for those of you (Jeremy) who told me to stay off the scale, it is definitely motivation for me.  I need that!  And now that I can SEE the change in my clothes AND the scale, I will keep getting on that dreaded scale.  Sorry not sorry!

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