Monday, April 1, 2019

Motivation ~ How to Get It and How to Keep It!

This seems to be a pretty regularly asked question to people who have been successful in the "Get Healthy" journey.  So let's delve in and see if we can find some answers.

Ok...first of all, there really are no solid, set in stone answers to this question.  I'm sorry to disappoint some of you, but finding motivation is different for everyone, so you may have to do some soul searching to find YOUR answer.  For me, it was age.  I was turning the big 60, and I was tired of being tired.  I was tired of dreading getting dressed to go out somewhere.  Nothing fit well, and I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror.  So for me, something just clicked when I knew that birthday was coming.  Something actually went off in me like a firecracker.  I just KNEW I had to get started.  

In the beginning, I had no actual goal.  I didn't set a goal weight.  I didn't say anything like "In a year I want to be super healthy and thin and run a marathon".  Nope!  I just said "this week, I'm going to walk a little farther, and I'm going to eat a little healthier".  The next week I thought maybe I could try to walk a little faster, maybe drink more water, and skip that dessert I really wanted.  Then I started logging my food, water and exercise.  That was an eye opener!  I was eating a lot more than I thought!  And not the right kinds of foods!  So each week was something a little more, a little different.  Eventually, I settled into a routine with my activities, and I tracked my foods regularly, and I started losing.  Not a lot at first.  About a pound a week.  But that adds up.  And the more activity I added, the better I felt.  I started sleeping better, and as the pounds came off, the better I felt about everything.  I started setting new goals.  I still didn't have a goal weight.  I just wasn't there yet.  But I knew the key to getting there.  It was activity and healthy eating.  Oh, and drinking water.  Don't ever forget about drinking that water!  So with all of this came motivation.  I was SEEING a change in my body.  I was FEELING a change in my health!  

Now, what to do about that motivation before you start seeing and feeling the change?  Well, here's something I did.  Anyone that knows me well, knows I am a very organized (painfully so) person, and everything needs to be written down.  My To Do lists, my menu for the week, my schedule for the week, etc.  So I found an old chalkboard in a second hand store, painted it, hung it in my bedroom workout area (I have a dedicated area of my bedroom for workout equipment, etc., but I also wanted it where I would see it every single day, multiple times a day, and the bedroom was a good place for that!), and write my weekly schedule of workouts on it on Sunday.  When the workout is complete, I put a heart under it.  Two reasons for the heart....because I love that I completed my workout, and because my heart will be healthier if I continue this!  Here's my "Accountability Board" as I call it:

Now this board looks different every week.  Some weeks I run a lot, and recently I started taking a Barre class on Saturdays.  So it changes.  It keeps me accountable, and it MOTIVATES me!!!  I want to see that ๐Ÿ’œon there!  

Another thing that motivates me is keeping an album of pictures on my phone of me in my workout clothes.  I have done this since the beginning.  I look at them and see change and I am MOTIVATED!!!  New muscle definition is my new thing.  Now that I actually have muscles, I am always looking for new definition.  So I flex a lot! And I take a picture of it for my "Me" album!

Here's some other things that may help you get and stay motivated:
*Schedule an event you want to be a little healthier for and countdown to it!
*Find a motivation buddy--be each other's motivation!
*Set an alarm on your phone.  When that alarm goes off, it means you need to either do or plan that day's activity
*Get an app to track your workouts.  I use Map My Run (Under Armor App), and you don't have to be a runner.  But you add friends from the community (all over the world), and you encourage each other and comment on each other's workouts.  I absolutely love it!  I have made friends that I will never meet, but it's a great atmosphere!  Very positive and motivational!
*If it's eating better that you have trouble with, start meal prepping!  It doesn't take forever, and if you have healthy food in the fridge, you won't be as tempted to eat other food!  I use Skinnytaste website for all of my recipes and I love them!
*Get into a routine.  I can't emphasize that enough!  When you have a routine, you just do it!
*Reward yourself!  If you have a great week, do something to celebrate!  Go out and enjoy a nice (Preferably Healthy) meal.  Let someone else cook.  I admit, every Friday night, I go out and have pizza, then I go to my Mom's house and have dessert...and cookies (but I limit myself to 2!)  But you better believe I'm in that gym Friday morning working my butt off!  But I DO enjoy my reward for a good week!
*Hire a Health Coach!  There are programs available for this very thing!  They will help you lose weight and change your eating habits!  If you need suggestions, get in touch with me!

I'd love feedback on what YOU use to motivate YOU!  What has worked for you?  Leave me a comment or two!  I hope this helps some of you!  And if you have any questions, or want to know more about any of the "stuff" I do to stay motivated, get in touch with me!

Next blog post will be on suggestions to help you remember to drink that water!

Realistic Goal Setting

This week I posted on my social media a picture that says: "As you reach your goals, set new ones.  That is how you grow." That ...