Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Welcome To Living Healthy to Live Longer!

Welcome to my new blog ~ Living Healthy To Live Longer!

First let me take a minute to thank you for reading this!  I have had so many people send me messages, texts, and emails asking me how I lost my weight, that I thought maybe it would help some if I starting blogging about it.  

Secondly, let me make a disclaimer statement here!  I am NOT an expert in ANY form on the subject of health, fitness, diet, or anything else related to this!  I am simply a woman who decided at the age of 60 to get healthy.  I decided to lose weight...and I do mean LOSE it.  I don't plan on finding it ever again!  I also decided that I needed more than just diet, so I started a "fitness" plan, and I use that term lightly because in the beginning, it really couldn't be defined as fitness. I was walking.  Yep, that's it!  Oh, and I went to yoga class.  But that was it in the beginning.  More to follow on that.  
But I feel it is absolutely necessary for everyone to know that I am not speaking from anything but my experience on this matter!

Thirdly, let's explore the title of my blog.  Living Healthy To Live Longer.  I picked that because it really defines my long term goal.  I feel that living a healthier life will help me to live a longer life.  And if you believe we all have a predestined time to die, then I just want to make sure the quality of my life is good, no matter how long I live.

Now, on to my story.  This will be the only time I will tell my story in full.  In future blog posts, I plan to discuss meal prep, prioritizing time to work out, dealing with people who try to sabotage your diet, sleep....yes sleep (I've learned something interesting about sleep since I've been on this journey!), and learning to read your body.  Your body will tell you a lot if you will take the time to listen!  Like how to tell if you aren't eating enough calories.  Weird, weird things happen when you don't eat enough (spoiler alert ~ there may be discussions of poop habits)!  But enough of that for now.  

My story.....

Two years ago, I turned 60.  To some that seems really old, but to me, I feel like the same person I was at 18.  And in some ways, I really am!  I may have gray hair and grandkids, but inside, I'm the same crazy kid that graduated high school at the age of 18.  The one thing that was very different from that crazy 18 year old, was the weight.  Over the years, I had gained weight, lost weight, gained more weight, lost the same weight, gained more weight....well, you get the picture!  I had lost 30 lbs multiple times.  But it always came back.  So I decided it was not going to ever get easier, and it was time to do this!

Decision made, I turned to my trusty friend My Fitness Pal.  I don't do fad diets.  Never did.  When I lost weight in the past, I did it with Weight Watchers, Diet Workshop, and My Fitness Pal.  So I started the diet....again.  
Then it was time to get active.  I already did Yoga class, and I walked with my neighbor.  But it was time to up my game.  I increased the amount of walking I was doing.  Gradually, we were walking 2 miles.  Then something weird happened.  I all of a sudden had a desire to run.  I ran when I was in my 20s.  But starting to run again at 60?  So I would run a little bit, then walk, then run a little more.  Then one day, I just ran.  Sounds like Forrest Gump, huh?  This was Summer 2017.  In October of 2017 I ran my first 5k.  I came in 1st in my age group.  

Fast forward to January 2018.  I was very close to reaching my goal weight.  I was running...a lot!  But it was winter and hard to run outside.  So I went to a local gym sponsored by a church and ran on the treadmill there.  But there were also machines see where this is going?  I got hooked.  I realized I LIKED working out!  Then in March of 2018, my Son convinced me to try out Power Train's bootcamp classes.  I seriously expected to die during the first class...but I didn't.  I even liked it!  So from there, I did bootcamp classes twice a week, ran when I could, and worked out at home doing similar exercises as those in my classes.  And I did yoga.  I was working out almost 7 days a week.  And in May I hit my goal weight.  I. Was. Stoked!

In August of 2018 I ran a 10 mile race.  I came in 3rd in my age group.  Ok, ok, at my age the group is pretty small, so it's not hard to come in 3rd!  Around this same time, Power Train closed the location I was attending, so I switched to Gold's Gym and started my workouts there.  I was a little intimidated because I thought the place was full of bodybuilders and here I was an older woman just trying to burn fat and calories!  But I have learned to love it there, and I've kept my weight off for almost a year now.  And here's how I've kept it off:

*I Workout 7 days a week most weeks.  Some weeks I do take a rest day.
*I continue to eat healthy.  Do I crave pizza and chips and cookies?  Yup!  Sure do!
  Do I want to eat them?  Yup!  Every Friday night I have a slice of pizza and cookies!
  BUT every Friday morning I'm in the gym working my butt off!
*I have changed my entire lifestyle.  We cook healthy.  We meal prep.  If you have            healthy food already fixed, you are less likely to eat junk!
*I don't buy junk food.  I make a grocery list and stick to it.  
*I pack my lunch EVERY day!
*I sleep as much as possible every night.  Most nights close to 8 hours!
*I gave away all my bigger size clothes. 
*I still use My Fitness Pal religiously.  Every. Single. Day!  No slacking!
  That's where I get into trouble.  I need to stick with it every day!

Everyone is different.  Maybe you have an injury or illness that prevents you from working out all the time.  Ask your Doctor what you CAN do!  Maybe swimming is your way to get exercise.  Don't just dismiss it.  There is always something you can do to be active even if it's at a slow pace or not every day!

Along the way in this journey, I have learned so much!  I have learned about macronutrients.  I have learned that runners' toenails turn black and fall off.  I have learned that my resting heart rate is so low (from being a runner) that the nurse always checks it twice before asking if I feel ok.  I then remember to tell them I run, and they always say "Oh, Ok.  That's why!"  I've learned that you become more visible when you lose inches.  That's a whole other story for another day though.  Remember how I said I'm still the same person I was when I was 18?  Yeah, I'm the same person I was 55 lbs ago too.  Interesting how people react.  

To sum it all up, I feel great!  I feel better than I have ever felt!  Honestly!  I sleep much better than I used to.  And my energy level is so high I sometimes have to make myself sit down when I'm home.  

I'd love your feedback on what you would like to know and what I can help you with.  Remember, I'm not an expert at anything.  I've just been there, and done that.  So I can possibly point you in the right direction.  But if you want a fitness expert, hire a trainer.  If you want a nutritionist, hire a nutritionist.  If you would like a great lifestyle change program with a health coach that works with you, I know a fantastic person who can help you!  But if you just want to chat with someone who can say "Yup!  Been there!" then I'm your gal!  If you want a workout buddy, we can maybe get together sometime!  I would be happy to give you the name of some of the fitness people I follow on YouTube and Instagram.  I do a lot of workouts with YouTube videos.  There are some great people on there doing yoga, core workouts, etc.  So hit me up if you would like!

So that's my story.  Pretty basic really.  Just a determined woman with goals!

Realistic Goal Setting

This week I posted on my social media a picture that says: "As you reach your goals, set new ones.  That is how you grow." That ...